Tag Archives: how much vitamin B12

Is Calories In, Calories Out the Key to Losing Weight?

weight loss, apple, nutrition, orange, calorieIf you have ever tried to lose weight, then you probably have been told to track your calories. Most calorie trackers focus on keeping track of the calories you consume through food.  On the other hand, fitness trackers or workout machines may track how many calories you burn during the day. However, is there more to the story of weight loss, or is calories in and calories out the only key to success?  A recent report by health experts reveal that there may be more than simple math in the weight loss equation.

What are is a calorie?

A calorie is a unit of energy that is found in food and beverages. The four major macronutrients that consist of calories include:

  • protein at 4 calories per gram
  • carbohydrate at around 4 calories per gram
  • fat at 7 calories per gram
  • alcohol at 9 calories per gram

Whatever calories you consume that are not used as energy are stored in the body as fat. In simple terms, you may lose fat stores if you consume less calories than you burn.  Calories can be burned by physical activity, but calorie expenditure may also increase in those who are growing, injured, or ill.  This is because your body will need more energy to support such processes that involve cell reproduction and other related processes.

Are some calories healthier than others?

Not all calories are created equal. The recent report reveals a growing trend of people focusing solely on the number of calories in and calories out, rather than the quality of calories consumed. Although this may lead to a calorie deficit, and in turn weight loss, it is not necessarily healthy.

For example, a piece of candy and an apple may both contain 100 calories. However, the candy mostly contains empty calories because they contain little to no nutritional value. The calories in the candy are mainly from simple carbohydrates like sugar as well as fat.  However, in the apple, those same calories contain many nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. Therefore, the calories from the apple will provide your body with more health benefits than the candy.

Weighing in on the “Calories In, Calories Out” equation

The latest diet craze known as CICO (Calories In, Calories Out), may lead to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies according to experts. If you are not looking at the nutrient quality of the calories you consume, then you may increase your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, anemia, to name a few. In addition, if you restrict yourself of too many calories, then you may develop fatigue and malnutrition, which does your body more harm than good. Contact a registered dietitian to help you determine how many calories you need to support your lifestyle, while still helping you to lose any excess weight.

How to Work on Weight Loss

There is no one size fits all plan to help everyone lose weight. However, there are several things you can do today to get on the right track towards healthy weight loss and maintenance.

  • Watch your portion sizes at meals and snacks. A simple way to determine how much food you need to eat at each meal involves your protein and fiber needs. Most adults should consume at least 25 grams of fiber a day through whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Your protein needs, in grams, can be determined by dividing your weight in pounds by 2.75.  Once you determine your fiber and protein needs, use a nutrition tracker to ensure you meet these needs with mostly whole foods, or foods that are minimally processed.  Also, chew your food more per bite, slow your pace of eating to 20-25 minutes per meal, and be mindful of the food choices you make by looking at nutrition labels before you make food purchases.
  • Stay active most days of the week.  Balance out each week with cardiovascular and resistance exercises. Cardio exercises include walking, jogging, swimming, or biking. These exercises work to increase calorie burn. Resistance exercises, on the other hand, such as lifting weights, doing push-ups, or using resistance bands, help to maintain lean muscle mass. Maintaining your muscle mass as you lose weight helps you to maintain calorie-burning power, also known as metabolism.
  • Get plenty of sleep.  Weight loss may be more difficult for those who do not sleep well.  This is because lack of sleep can disrupt the hormones that control hunger and appetite. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble sleeping due to visiting the bathroom regularly, stop drinking fluids at least 2 hours before bedtime.  If pain is keeping you up, visit your doctor to get support.  If you are not sure what is causing your restless sleep, you may have sleep apnea. You can ask your doctor about getting a sleep study done to determine the cause of your sleepless nights.
  • Visit your doctor if diet and exercise are not leading to weight loss. If calories in and calories out are leading to weight plateaus or gains, then there may be an underlying health issue. Research has shown that some people who have a family history of obesity may have a harder time losing weight than those that don’t. This could be due to:
    • genetic factors.
    • increased risk of conditions like hypothyroidism or insulin resistance.
    • environmental factors such as growing up without knowledge of healthy eating behaviors.
  • Fill in your nutrient gaps with vitamins and supplements. At the very least, take a multivitamin such as Zestia by VitaSciences. Zestia contains a blend of Super Food extracts, probiotics, and digestive enzymes helps to support optimal health. If you live in a climate with little sunlight, you may also need to add a vitamin D3 supplement to your daily routine.  Low vitamin D levels can affect many aspects of health such as bone and immune health, to name a few.

-written by Staci Gulbin, MS, MEd, RD, LDN


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (November 16, 2016) “Finding a Balance” 

Harvard Health Publishing: Harvard Medical School (May 2014) “Eating fiber-rich foods helps keep the heart healthy”

Harvard Health Publishing: Harvard Medical School (updated April 11, 2017) “Why People Become Overweight” 

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (accessed November 27, 2017) “Protein”

Medline Health News (November 22, 2017) “It’s the Latest Diet Craze, But Is It Safe?”

Medline Plus (accessed November 28, 2017) “Vitamin D” 



7 Reasons your B12 Levels are Out of Whack and what you can do about it

7 Reasons your B12 Levels are Out of Whack and what you can do about it

Always tired, dizzy, sluggish? The cause may be low vitamin B12 levels.  Depression, memory problems, crushing fatigue, and muscular pains all occur when you don’t have enough vitamin B12 in your blood supply.

You’re not alone. Millions of people your age feel exhausted, run-down, disoriented and achy. And that’s only by mid-morning.

For many, these symptoms occur from vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.  People as young as thirty can develop B12 deficiency or pernicious anemia.

This is why your B12 levels are down:

B12 deficiency is more common that you think. Here are some reasons that many people lose B12 from their blood supply:

You’ve had weight loss surgery.

Gastric bypass operations used to be a last resort for weight loss. Today, they’re much more common.  If you’re overweight, then you  can easily receive bariatric surgery to shed the pounds. Unfortunately, many patients aren’t prepared to supplement with vitamin B12  for life. Some weren’t warned about vitamin B12 deficiency; others don’t heed their doctor’s warnings.

This is important! If you have received any kind of stomach surgery ( for weight loss, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), then you must take large doses of  vitamin B12 each day.

You take medications for diabetes or gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Certain medications prevent you from properly digesting vitamin B12 from the foods you eat. Metformin, protein pump inhibitors (PPIs), antacids, long-term antibiotics, and antidepressants are on the list.

If you take any of the medications on the list below, then please also take extra vitamin B12.

25 Medications that Cause Vitamin B12 Deficiency

 Your vitamin B12 blood test results are wrong.

The national standard for testing for serum levels of vitamin B12 is often wrong and inefficient. If your B12 is plummeting from pernicious anemia, then a blood test will tell you to get more vitamin B12 supplements, ASAP.

But if your B12 levels are moderate to low, then you may get a false negative test result. Even though you suffer from fatigue, memory problems, gloominess, brain fog, and painful numbness. That’s because the blood screenings don’t differentiate between “active” and “dormant” vitamin B12.  The first helps to protect your nervous system and boost energy. The second sleeps in your gut and does nothing.

So your doctor may tell you that your vitamin B12 levels are okay, but he’d be wrong.

Your doctor knows nothing about vitamin B12 deficiency.

Sad but true: many doctors get little or no training  in detecting the earliest signs of pernicious anemia. The idea of a vitamin “curing” an illness  is, in their opinion, laughable. Yet it was only one generation ago that pernicious anemia  was a lethal threat. And it took vitamin B12 supplements to stop the debilitating symptoms.

How Much Vitamin B12 is enough?

Your doctor may not take your symptoms seriously. He may refuse to prescribe enough vitamin B12 to treat your symptoms. If that is the case, then you need to buy extra vitamin B12 supplements online.

You follow a vegan diet.

Your body doesn’t manufacture vitamin B12, and you can’t get it from vegetables. The only rich sources of vitamin B12 are from chicken, beef, lamb, and seafood.  Eggs, cheese, and milk also have some vitamin B12. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet,  then you need to take vitamin B12.

 You suffer from autoimmune disorders.

For many, vitamin B12 malabsorption happens because of a faulty immune system. People who have autoimmune disorders are most likely  to suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency.  This happens because missing intrinsic factor, a hormone needed for B12 digestion.

35 Signs of Neuropathy to Watch

If you have lupus, Crohn’s disease, or other autoimmune disorders, then you are at risk. Don’t rely on faulty B12 blood screenings. Rather,  take extra vitamin B12 supplements each day.

You are older than 30 years of age.

As we get older, our ability to digest vitamin B12 weakens. Vitamin B12 levels plummet with age. By the time many people reach their 40’s, vitamin B12 is a must. For great health, supplement with vitamin B12 in your 30s and 40s.

By the time you reach the age of 50, vitamin B12 usage is mandatory for survival.

Treatment options

Vitamin B12 isn’t an easy nutrient to digest; your body doesn’t make it on its own. Any defect in your stomach or intestines can impair vitamin B12 absorption. To boost vitamin B12 levels, you need to get vitamin B12 into your blood stream. Not through the digestive system. Vitamin B12 pills are useless.  B12 shots are painful, impractical, and difficult to administer on your own. For many, vitamin B12 supplements that penetrate the skin are the best option. They’re easy to use, don’t need prescription, and are painless

Also read:


Try Maxasorb B12 Cream or the Vitamin B12 Patch

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How Much Vitamin B12 is enough?

If you’re diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency, then it’s crucial that you find out how much vitamin B12 your body needs each week to get back to normal. This isn’t as easy as it sounds, because your B12 levels can drop even if you’re taking daily B12 pills and eating a healthy diet rich in animal protein.

vitamin B12 supplements

Vitamin B12 deficiency can occur if you’re on a strictly vegan diet devoid of animal proteins, but for many, it occurs from pernicious anemia, a detrimental autoimmune condition that is potentially fatal.

To treat pernicious anemia, it’s necessary to supplement with a non-dietary form of vitamin B12 that you can insert directly into the bloodstream, such as vitamin B12 shots and others that pass through the skin’s layer.

Diagnosing vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is diagnosed easily with a blood test. Unfortunately, standard protocols for detecting vitamin B12 deficiency are too low; they cannot distinguish between life-threatening pernicious anemia and mid to medium ranges of vitamin B12 deficiency that still inflict considerable suffering on the patient.

Many leave with a negative test and continue to suffer symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency: crushing fatigue, neuropathic pain, and memory problems. *This is important! See below.

Other methods of diagnosing pernicious anemia are parietal cell antibody and anti-intrinsic factor antibody tests.

How much vitamin B12 do I need?

If diagnosed, then your doctor will likely administer regular injections of vitamin B12 (cobalamin). The amount you receive may differ according to the country you live in or the health plan that you use.

Standard doses of vitamin B12 supplementation are upwards of 1,000mic per week.

Ideally, you should receive enough vitamin B12 to reverse the symptoms and prevent damage to your nervous system. This is not always the case, as your doctor may have no idea how much vitamin B12 you need to feel better, especially if he’s judging your wellness by your blood test results, and not by your actual symptoms… *

Sadly, many healthcare administrators set the threshold for vitamin B12 injection supplementation too low. Many patients have to look elsewhere in order to “top off” their vitamin B12. You can say that the surge in online sales of vitamin B12 supplements is a direct result of the healthcare industry’s ignorance of pernicious anemia, which they consider a bygone illness.

From the Pernicious Anaemia Society:

“The frequency of injections is the biggest cause of complaint by members of the PA Society.  And while some healthcare professionals will prescribe injections according to the patient’s needs others will refuse to deviate from the guidance.  Often this leads to a breakdown in the relationship between the patient and his or her doctor.  Some patients use alternative forms of B12 to supplement their treatment between injections.  Sub-lingual lozenges, sprays, drops are the preferred method while others use skin patches or nasal sprays.”

How much vitamin B12 is too much?

There is no way to overdose on vitamin B12, as it is a water-based nutrient that has been classified by the FDA as perfectly safe in all amounts. The more vitamin B12 you take daily, the more likely you are to experience a renewal in energy that comes from complete replenishment of vitamin B12 in your blood supply. You’ll start to feel more energetic, focused, and mentally balanced almost immediately.

Once you’ve reached recovery, you should continue to take vitamin B12 regularly, in order to sustain normal levels and prevent illness. Finding the right amount may require some experimentation- you will have to pay close attention in the coming months to the earliest signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. For safety, it’s best to take more than you think you need.

Read more about Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment

Image by Sura Nualpradid

Sure you’re Getting enough Vitamin B12? Infographic

So, you think you’re getting enough vitamin B12 in one day? If you’re one of many who suffer from vitamin B12 malabsorption, then you need upwards from 1000 micrograms of B12 each week. Sounds easy? Guess again.

Sure you’re Getting enough Vitamin B12? Infographic

Vitamin B12 deficiency epidemic

Vitamin B12 occurs only in animal-based foods such as beef, chicken, fish, and dairy products like cheese and eggs. If you’re a vegan, then it’s time to start taking vitamin B12 supplements, in order to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, a condition that back in the 20s was a fatal disease known as pernicious anemia.

Scary stuff.

These days, vitamin B12 deficiency is still epidemic, though not as pernicious as it used to be. Still, many people are at risk for permanent nerve damage resulting from long-term vitamin B12 deficiency, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’re getting enough into your blood supply.

The reason for the epidemic is simple– these days, there exist more factors that lead to vitamin B12 malabsorption than ever before. Your ability to digest and use vitamin B12 from foods diminishes exponentially with each risk factor.

 B12 deficiency risk factors include:

  • Family history for pernicious anemia
  • Family history for autoimmune disease
  • Gastritis or other damage to the stomach
  • Gastrointestinal illnesses such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or GERD
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Alcoholism
  • Bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass
  • Vegan dieting
  • Migraine
  • Medications for diabetes, acid reflux, depression, and birth control

Foods with vitamin B12

If you’re not able to digest vitamin B12 from foods, then doctors recommend anywhere between 1000 to 3000 micrograms of vitamin B12 each week in order to prevent deficiency and start feeling better.

How much is that? Our infographic gives you an idea- to get just 1000 micrograms of vitamin B12, you would have to eat 11 servings of clam chowder…14 plates of fried liver with onions…or 17 sushi rolls of fish eggs.

Though beef is touted as one of the best sources of vitamin B12, you would actually need to eat 80 servings of beefsteak to get even close to the amount of vitamin B12 you would need to get your B12 levels back to normal.

That’s why it’s so important to take your vitamin B12 supplements, if you are experiencing even mild to medium symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Your life and your health depend on it. Take as much vitamin B12 as you feel that you need until symptoms of tiredness, sadness, sluggishness, and memory problems disappear.

There is no danger of overdose with vitamin B12, so it’s perfectly safe to take more than you think you’ll need, to be on the safe side.

Here is our free infographic:

Foods with vitamin B12
Infographic by Vita Sciences and the Vitamin B12 Patch

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