All posts by Vita Sci

35 Signs of Neuropathy to Watch

The most common signs of neuropathy are chronic pain and numbness in the extremities (hands and feet), but there are many other important symptoms that sufferers don’t know to look out for. See this list of the most common signs of neuropathy.

35 common symptoms of neuropathy

If you experience any of the symptoms listed below frequently, then it’s important to tell your doctor immediately.

Neuropathy can occur from vitamin B12 deficiency, autoimmune illness, diabetes, alcoholism or several other underlying conditions.

35 signs of neuropathy

In a survey conducted on nearly 1,000 people diagnosed with some type of neuropathy, the majority reported experiencing some of the following symptoms moderately or severely:

  1. Tingling, stinging in the hands and feet
  2. Crushing fatigue
  3. Weak muscles
  4. Burning  sensations
  5. Chronic pain
  6. Painful numbness in the hands and feet
  7. Hypersensitivity in pain points on body
  8. Difficulty standing or sitting for long stretches
  9. Difficulty walking, gait disturbances
  10. Balance problems, dizziness
  11. Sensitivity to very cold and very hot temperatures
  12. Muscle spasms, twitching
  13. Fluctuating body temperature
  14. Pain that worsens in the evenings
  15. Itching in the extremities
  16. Lightheadedness when getting up
  17. Eye problems
  18. Crawling sensation
  19. Constipation
  20. Reduced reaction to pain stimulus
  21. Scalp irritation, itching
  22. Changes in perspiration
  23. Vertigo
  24. Diarrhea
  25. Increased heart rate
  26. Urinary Incontinence
  27. Reduced sensitivity to changes in temperature
  28. Nausea
  29. Head pain
  30. Reduced appetite
  31. Impotency
  32. Frequent urinary tract infections (UTI’s)
  33. Unhealthy weight loss
  34. Frequent vomiting
  35. Facial swelling

Neuropathy treatments

Treatment for neuropathy depends on the cause. For diabetic neuropathy, it’s important to wear tight socks and check your hands and feet frequently for cuts and bruises. Also, if you take metformin, then you may need to supplement with vitamin B12 regularly, as this diabetes drug prevents proper absorption of vitamin B12 in food, leading to vitamin B12 deficiency.

Peripheral neuropathy is a typical symptom of pernicious anemia (autoimmune vitamin B12 deficiency), so again vitamin B12 is rated as a crucial supplement for preventing symptoms.

Other treatments that help with neuropathy are pain relief creams, alcohol avoidance, exercise, smoking cessation, prescription medications for neuropathy.

What other signs of neuropathy have you experienced? If you found this helpful, then please share with others who suffer from neuropathy or are involved in neuropathy awareness groups.

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What Works for Migraines? New Study

In a recent study, patients tell researchers what works for migraines, comparing prescription migraine drugs with natural, alternative vitamins and lifestyle changes. The results may surprise you.

What works for Migraines

Migraines are a neurological illness that inflicts sufferers with frequent crippling headaches, nausea, stomach cramps, vertigo, and all-over body pain. Doctors have been working on a “cure” for years, but it seems that some of the most effective treatments that help don’t require a prescription at all.

What works for migraines?

Disclaimer: Please don’t ever consider stopping your current migraine medication or starting a new one without your doctor’s consent. This does not constitute medical advice, but rather a general awareness of what researchers have discovered when interviewing patients of chronic migraine attacks.

Eighty percent choose natural therapy.

Results are based on a survey by Cure Together that is available online.

Of the top ten best-rated treatments for migraine headaches, only two are migraine prescription medications; that’s an 80% success rate for natural preventative medicine and migraine trigger avoidance.

Top 10 list

1. Sitting in a dark, quiet room.
2. Taking a nap.
3. Avoiding red wine.
4. Waiting it out.
5. Eliminating MSG.
6. Avoiding smoke or quitting smoking.
7. Wearing sunglasses, even indoors.
8. Intravenous dihydroergotamine Injection (DHE)
9. Imitrex (sumatriptan) injection
10. Pressing an ice pack or cool towel on head or neck.

Popularity vs. effectiveness

Interestingly enough, some of the most effective treatments for migraine headaches are also the least practiced. According to the infographic on Cure Together, the most oft-prescribed migraine drugs are rated by patients as the least helpful in relieving migraines. Conversely, natural migraine strategies that work, such as lifestyle changes and nutrients such as butterbur, riboflavin, CoQ10, and magnesium seem to be the least prescribed and the bottom of the go-to list for migraine prevention.

Is it any wonder, then, that so many people continue to suffer from excruciating migraine attacks?

Natural vitamins, herbs, and other nutrients

Out of all the treatments rated in this survey, the one that got the best response- lying down in a quiet room- garnered 893 points. Using that number as a guideline, you can see that vitamin supplements for migraines get a huge thumbs-up for simple effectiveness without side effects.

  • Magnesium- 556
  • Vitamin B2- 380
  • Coenzyme Q10- 296
  • Vitamin B12- 247
  • Vitamin D3- 130
  • Butterbur-  115
  • Vitamin B6- 106

Hint: Migravent has all of the top-rated ingredients!

Migravent for Migraines

Please share!

What treatment do you believe works for migraines better than anything else?

Did you like this article? Please tweet, blog, or share this on Facebook with anybody who suffers from migraines or is otherwise involved with migraine awareness. Feel free to leave your comments below.

 Image by Stuart Miles

How Much Vitamin B12 is enough?

If you’re diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency, then it’s crucial that you find out how much vitamin B12 your body needs each week to get back to normal. This isn’t as easy as it sounds, because your B12 levels can drop even if you’re taking daily B12 pills and eating a healthy diet rich in animal protein.

vitamin B12 supplements

Vitamin B12 deficiency can occur if you’re on a strictly vegan diet devoid of animal proteins, but for many, it occurs from pernicious anemia, a detrimental autoimmune condition that is potentially fatal.

To treat pernicious anemia, it’s necessary to supplement with a non-dietary form of vitamin B12 that you can insert directly into the bloodstream, such as vitamin B12 shots and others that pass through the skin’s layer.

Diagnosing vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is diagnosed easily with a blood test. Unfortunately, standard protocols for detecting vitamin B12 deficiency are too low; they cannot distinguish between life-threatening pernicious anemia and mid to medium ranges of vitamin B12 deficiency that still inflict considerable suffering on the patient.

Many leave with a negative test and continue to suffer symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency: crushing fatigue, neuropathic pain, and memory problems. *This is important! See below.

Other methods of diagnosing pernicious anemia are parietal cell antibody and anti-intrinsic factor antibody tests.

How much vitamin B12 do I need?

If diagnosed, then your doctor will likely administer regular injections of vitamin B12 (cobalamin). The amount you receive may differ according to the country you live in or the health plan that you use.

Standard doses of vitamin B12 supplementation are upwards of 1,000mic per week.

Ideally, you should receive enough vitamin B12 to reverse the symptoms and prevent damage to your nervous system. This is not always the case, as your doctor may have no idea how much vitamin B12 you need to feel better, especially if he’s judging your wellness by your blood test results, and not by your actual symptoms… *

Sadly, many healthcare administrators set the threshold for vitamin B12 injection supplementation too low. Many patients have to look elsewhere in order to “top off” their vitamin B12. You can say that the surge in online sales of vitamin B12 supplements is a direct result of the healthcare industry’s ignorance of pernicious anemia, which they consider a bygone illness.

From the Pernicious Anaemia Society:

“The frequency of injections is the biggest cause of complaint by members of the PA Society.  And while some healthcare professionals will prescribe injections according to the patient’s needs others will refuse to deviate from the guidance.  Often this leads to a breakdown in the relationship between the patient and his or her doctor.  Some patients use alternative forms of B12 to supplement their treatment between injections.  Sub-lingual lozenges, sprays, drops are the preferred method while others use skin patches or nasal sprays.”

How much vitamin B12 is too much?

There is no way to overdose on vitamin B12, as it is a water-based nutrient that has been classified by the FDA as perfectly safe in all amounts. The more vitamin B12 you take daily, the more likely you are to experience a renewal in energy that comes from complete replenishment of vitamin B12 in your blood supply. You’ll start to feel more energetic, focused, and mentally balanced almost immediately.

Once you’ve reached recovery, you should continue to take vitamin B12 regularly, in order to sustain normal levels and prevent illness. Finding the right amount may require some experimentation- you will have to pay close attention in the coming months to the earliest signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. For safety, it’s best to take more than you think you need.

Read more about Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment

Image by Sura Nualpradid

7 Tips for Relieving Joint Pain in the Knees

Joint pain in the knees, ankles, hips, or shoulders can indicate arthritis, damage to the cartilage that rests between your bones, making it hard to bend, twist, or kneel without suffering from immense pain. To relieve joint pain, it’s important to learn how to treat the inflamed areas at home, while also visiting your doctor to rule out serious injuries that may require surgery.

joint pain in the knees

What causes joint pain in the knees?

Often, arthritic joint pain occurs in the knee when the soft cartilage of the knee cap becomes weak and fragile. Pieces of cartilage may become lodged into your joint area, causing severe aches and dull pain all around your knee area.

Joint pain in the knees can occur because of a sports injury, poor posture, or occupations that require standing or sitting in one position for long hours.

Symptoms include a constant ache in the front of the knees, limited movement and buckling.

What are the best treatments for joint pain?

First, see a doctor. You may need to take some x-rays. If there is extensive damage, then your doctor may suggest surgery.

The most important treatments are the ones that you can do at home to reduce swelling, alleviate pain, prevent further damage to the knee and begin the healing process.

1) Apply ice.

The moment you notice the beginnings of pain in your joints, sit down, put your feet up, and put an ice pack on the inflamed area. This will reduce swelling and cut down on most of the pain.

2) Rub on pain relief cream.

Use a safe, gentle non-irritating pain relief lotion that contains natural  ingredients that soothe the muscles surrounding the joint and produce a cooling effect.

3) Use over-the-counter medications.

Pain relievers (such as acetaminophen) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) can go a long way towards relieving joint pain and swelling in the knees.

4) Build up the muscle.

Visit a physical therapist to get a schedule of muscle-strengthening exercises that will help to speed up recovery and prevent further knee injuries.

5) Protect the swollen joints.

It may help to wear a brace or tight-fitting sock around your kneecap to sustain good alignment.

6) Take it easy.

If you’re used to exercising regularly, then this is a good time to take a small break. Until you’re feeling much better, avoid bending down to pick something up or sitting down on the floor.

7) Wear proper footwear.

Poor posture can cause joint pain in the knees, even if you don’t realize it. Cheap shoes that don’t cradle the foot properly can cause body aches and pains in the feet, legs, hips, and even the shoulders and back. Many people don’t realize the damage they’ve been doing to their spine until they finally sample orthotic inserts paired with good sturdy shoes that provide ankle support. And then, comes the relief…

joint pain in the knees lotion

Discover the healing effect of Joint Right Pain Relief Cream.

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Do you have any other great tips for relieving joint pain in the knees, or elsewhere in the body? Please feel free to comment below.

Image by Praisaeng

Sure you’re Getting enough Vitamin B12? Infographic

So, you think you’re getting enough vitamin B12 in one day? If you’re one of many who suffer from vitamin B12 malabsorption, then you need upwards from 1000 micrograms of B12 each week. Sounds easy? Guess again.

Sure you’re Getting enough Vitamin B12? Infographic

Vitamin B12 deficiency epidemic

Vitamin B12 occurs only in animal-based foods such as beef, chicken, fish, and dairy products like cheese and eggs. If you’re a vegan, then it’s time to start taking vitamin B12 supplements, in order to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, a condition that back in the 20s was a fatal disease known as pernicious anemia.

Scary stuff.

These days, vitamin B12 deficiency is still epidemic, though not as pernicious as it used to be. Still, many people are at risk for permanent nerve damage resulting from long-term vitamin B12 deficiency, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’re getting enough into your blood supply.

The reason for the epidemic is simple– these days, there exist more factors that lead to vitamin B12 malabsorption than ever before. Your ability to digest and use vitamin B12 from foods diminishes exponentially with each risk factor.

 B12 deficiency risk factors include:

  • Family history for pernicious anemia
  • Family history for autoimmune disease
  • Gastritis or other damage to the stomach
  • Gastrointestinal illnesses such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or GERD
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Alcoholism
  • Bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass
  • Vegan dieting
  • Migraine
  • Medications for diabetes, acid reflux, depression, and birth control

Foods with vitamin B12

If you’re not able to digest vitamin B12 from foods, then doctors recommend anywhere between 1000 to 3000 micrograms of vitamin B12 each week in order to prevent deficiency and start feeling better.

How much is that? Our infographic gives you an idea- to get just 1000 micrograms of vitamin B12, you would have to eat 11 servings of clam chowder…14 plates of fried liver with onions…or 17 sushi rolls of fish eggs.

Though beef is touted as one of the best sources of vitamin B12, you would actually need to eat 80 servings of beefsteak to get even close to the amount of vitamin B12 you would need to get your B12 levels back to normal.

That’s why it’s so important to take your vitamin B12 supplements, if you are experiencing even mild to medium symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Your life and your health depend on it. Take as much vitamin B12 as you feel that you need until symptoms of tiredness, sadness, sluggishness, and memory problems disappear.

There is no danger of overdose with vitamin B12, so it’s perfectly safe to take more than you think you’ll need, to be on the safe side.

Here is our free infographic:

Foods with vitamin B12
Infographic by Vita Sciences and the Vitamin B12 Patch

Download this infographic.

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Migraine Triggers in Food that will Surprise You

The single most important preventative treatment for migraine headaches is to simply avoid all migraine triggers that affect your nervous system. Easier said than done, you may say, as there are hundreds of things in food, weather, and daily life that increase your chances of having a migraine attack.

Migraine Triggers in Food that will Surprise You

Can you spot the migraine triggers here?

What’s in a migraine?

Migraines are a neurological disorder that is often inherited from your family. Most migraine sufferers are women, but not exclusively. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to, excruciating pounding headaches, stomach pain, nausea, eye pain, vertigo, and overwhelming fatigue. Chronic headaches happen more than 15 times each month.

It’s worth noting that not all migraine attacks include headache. You may experience all the other symptoms of migraine, such as dizziness, stomach cramps, and extreme sensitivity to bright lights and strong scents without ever suffering from head pain. Even “silent migraines” can be very debilitating, especially as they are often connected with migraines with aura, a condition that scientists have linked with increased risk for stroke, heart disease, and epileptic seizures.

Migraine triggers

Migraine triggers don’t necessarily cause migraines, as much as they increase your likeliness of having one. Just as stress lowers your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off infections and bacteria, so do migraine triggers make it harder for your nervous system to control overstimulated, trigger-happy nerve cells of the brain.

Some of the most well-known migraine producers exist in food. Chocolate, coffee, hot dogs, aged cheeses, and MSG are all considered “red light” foods on a migraine diet. Still, every person is wired differently, so what triggers a five-alarm migraine attack in one person may actually provide significant relief to another. Caffeine, for example, is both a migraine trigger and a painkiller, depending on your migraine brain.

To find out exactly which foods are triggering your migraine headaches, it’s important to keep a migraine diary, and fill in all foods, feelings, medications, daily weather, sleep cycles, and other relevant facts.

How many of these unusual migraine triggers can you identify?

  • Leftover food from restaurants, likely to contain tyramine, a common migraine trigger.
  • Bananas- along with avocados, fruits that are eaten when very ripe also contain tyramine.
  • Citrus fruits, although healthy for preventing the common cold, are rich in citric acids that interfere with your pH blood level, and also contain histamine, a migraine trigger for some.
  • Artificial flavorings, colorings, and preservatives contain chemicals that increase your chances for frequent migraine headaches.
  • Packaged goods containing hidden monosodium glutamate (MSG) can include mixed nuts, soup mixes, sauces, and even mayonnaise. To avoid migraines, always read food labels, even on food products that you wouldn’t expect to find migraine-triggering MSG.

Scientists have compiled a list of hundreds of migraine triggers, not all of which are from food. In addition to the ones listed, can you list any other other headache triggers that you currently avoid?

Image by Ambro


Depression Symptoms associated with B12 Deficiency

Fact: most people with vitamin B12 deficiency suffer from depression symptoms, as well. Unfortunately, many don’t connect the dots between the two conditions. As a result, they may never find the relief that comes with vitamin B12 supplementation, despite taking antidepressants for anxiety or chronic depression for many years.

Depression Symptoms associated with B12 Deficiency

The B12 deficiency epidemic

There are a few reasons why vitamin B12 deficiency can slip past the radar when it comes to emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, and paranoia.

1) Many doctors simply don’t test for low vitamin B12 when their patients come to them complaining of long-lasting depression. As a result, a startling number of B12 deficient people never get diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, and never get the treatment they need.

2) If you’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression all your life, then you may not notice signs of early vitamin B12 deficiency that mimic chronic depression. Overwhelming sadness, foreboding, panic attack, brain fog, fatigue, and memory loss are all depression symptoms that also occur with depleted vitamin B12 in your blood supply.

3) Vitamin B12 blood tests often produce inaccurate results. So, even if you suspect you have vitamin B12 deficiency and go in for testing, you may never get the diagnosis you need in order to receive authorized vitamin B12 supplementation from your healthcare provider.

For that reason, many people who suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency or pernicious anemia (the autoimmune form of B12 deficiency) opt to order vitamin B12 online, in order to get enough vitamin B12 to reverse symptoms of depression, nerve damage, fatigue, and cognitive impairment.

4) Certain medications, including antidepressants, increase your chances of developing vitamin B12 deficiency, as they interfere with your ability to digest vitamin B12 properly from the foods you eat.

If you are currently taking antianxiety drugs or antidepressants, then you should supplement with extra vitamin B12 at the same time, in order to prevent anemia.

Depression symptoms from B12 deficiency

Unless it’s treated, vitamin B12 deficiency with depression can become a vicious cycle. Scientists have found that patients suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder experience of worsening of symptoms when vitamin B12 levels are low.

Listed are some depression symptoms and mental illnesses that may become aggravated with vitamin B12 deficiency.

  • Overpowering sadness
  • Strong sense of doom
  • Extreme distractedness, inability to focus
  • Crushing fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety, panic attacks
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucination
  • Delusions
  • Severe memory impairments
  • Irritability
  • Unusual aggressive behavior
  • Moodiness

If you suffer from depression symptoms, then please see a doctor and discuss medication options. Also, consider adding regular high-dose vitamin B12 to your daily routine.

 Image by Eddi van W.

100 Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia

Don’t ignore possible symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency- often, the only way to effectively catch vitamin B12 anemia before it becomes debilitating is by recognizing some of the earliest signs, such as constant daily fatigue, memory problems, depression, and painful numbness and tingling in the extremities.

100 Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia

Vitamin B12 blood tests may be helpful for diagnosing severe pernicious anemia (which used to be a fatal disease), but their track record for preventing symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in the moderate range is not reassuring. That’s because the range for detecting depleted vitamin B12 is set too low, producing inaccurate test readings when more vitamin B12 is needed to provide relief and prevent nerve damage.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, then it’s advisable to start a regimen of vitamin B12 supplements, and track results.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

This is a complete list of all possible symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. You may have only a few or more of these symptoms. Vitamin B12 deficiency affects people differently, according to the level of depletion.

  1. High levels of homocysteine, which are linked with heart attack, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. Sore muscles, painful burning sensations.
  3. “Electric shock” sensations that shoot down your arms and legs whenever you bend over.
  4. Difficulty building muscle mass, even though you’ve been exercising regularly.
  5. Neural tube defect in newborn babies.
  6. Aching prickling and numbness in hands and feet caused by paresthesias.
  7. Peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) caused by the degradation of myelin, a protective coating that shields your nerve cells.
  8. Poor, slow nerve reflexes.
  9. Quivering, trembling muscles.
  10. Muscle fatigue following light physical exertion.
  11. The need to take a few days to recuperate after even moderate exercise.
  12. Neck pain.
  13. Persistent headaches.
  14. Tight muscle pain in the arms and legs.
  15. Joint pain.
  16. Muscle stiffness each morning.
  17. Tender spots on your body which are often associated with fibromyalgia.
  18. Pain in elbows, shoulders, and hips from bursitis.
  19. Poor control or arm and leg movements.
  20. Frequent “clumsiness,” things always falling from your hands.
  21. Dizziness, unsteadiness, poor stability on feet.
  22. Difficulty walking in a straight line.
  23. Occasional vertigo, a sensation that the room is spinning.
  24. Confusion, getting perplexed easily.
  25. Muddled thinking, brain fog.
  26. Difficulty remembering words that are on the tip of your tongue.
  27. Forgetting names of familiar people.
  28. Irritability.
  29. Depressionthat lasts for months without any apparent cause.
  30. Chronic overwhelming daily fatigue, despite sleeping well.
  31. Poor concentration, ADD-like symptoms.
  32. Getting distracted easily.
  33. Difficulty finishing tasks or chores, finding it hard to stay organized.
  34. Mood swings.
  35. Memory impairments.
  36. Aggressive behavior that is new, unusual.
  37. Neurosis, fixations.
  38. Early-onset dementialinked with old age.
  39. Paranoia, peculiar suspicions.
  40. Hallucinations, deliriums.
  41. Recurrent panic attacks.
  42. Baseless anxiety, sense of doom.
  43. Strong tooth pain when drinking or eating very hot or cold foods.
  44. Sore tongue, “burning mouth” sensation.
  45. Red tongue that is abnormally slick, without bumps.
  46. Continuous canker sores, mouth ulcers.
  47. Cracked sores at both corners of your mouth.
  48. Dry mouth, unpleasant taste in mouth.
  49. Bad breath, halitosis.
  50. Altered palate, food tastes different.
  51. Strange thirst, constantly feeling dehydrated.
  52. Unusual metallic taste in mouth.
  53. Olfactory hallucinations, noticing odd scents that aren’t apparent to anybody else.
  54. Pain in bladder in the absence of uterine infection.
  55. Stomachaches that happen often.
  56. Nausea, recurring need to vomit.
  57. Constant stomach bloating.
  58. Difficulty swallowing.
  59. “Frog in throat” sensation
  60. Acid reflux that occurs regardless of diet.
  61. Constant heartburn, despite eating healthy.
  62. Flatulence.
  63. Loss of appetite.
  64. Constipation, difficulty having regular bowel movements.
  65. Everyday diarrhea.
  66. Esophageal ulcers.
  67. Dairy sensitivity.
  68. Unusual weight loss or weight gain.
  69. Reduced libido.
  70. Hormonal imbalances.
  71. Low sperm count.
  72. Erectile dysfunction.
  73. Infertility.
  74. Post-partum depression.
  75. Frequent miscarriages, spontaneous abortions.
  76. Poor development in newborn babies.
  77. Language impairments in children.
  78. PMS- pain and emotional problems prior to menstruating.
  79. Yeast infections that occur often.
  80. Early onset menopause.
  81. Face is abnormally pale in complexion.
  82. Heart palpitations throughout the day.
  83. Losing your breath easily.
  84. Weak pulse.
  85. Thyroid disorders, including hypothyroid or hyperthyroid.
  86. Sensory impairments, such as hypersensitivity to touch, fragrances, textures, flavors, lighting and noise.
  87. Sleep problems, such as insomnia or waking up easily.
  88. Sleep that doesn’t refresh your mind, you still feel exhausted in the morning.
  89. Night terrors.
  90. Vision impairments, such as blurring, double vision, sensitivity to light.
  91. Optic neuritis- nerve damage in the eyes.
  92. Constant ringing in the ears from tinnitus.
  93. Hyperacusis- extreme hypersensitivity to certain sounds, such as Styrofoam or scratching.
  94. Constantly feeling cold due to low body temperature.
  95. Bruising easily.
  96. Constantly itchy skin.
  97. Eczema, dry skin rashes.
  98. Premature grey hair.
  99. Hair loss not related to age.
  100. 100. Thin, ridged nails that break easily.

How’s your B12?

Sometimes, daily fatigue, dizziness, and muscle pain is a result of low vitamin levels, particularly in energy-boosting vitamin B12. A blood test will tell you if you need to increase your vitamin B12 intake.

Vitamin B12 can be found in most protein foods, such as beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy products. If you have vitamin B12 deficiency, then you may require extra B12 outside of the food pyramid.

An easy way to maintain healthy vitamin B12 levels is to use vitamin B12 supplements that replenish cobalamin in the blood supply quickly and efficiently.

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Order the B12 Patch- now with methyl-cobalamin! Buy Now.

Image by Stuart Miles

5 Causes of Memory Loss in Midlife

Constantly forgetting important errands? Avert your midlife crisis by fixing some typical causes of memory loss that can happen to anybody under the age of 50. Stress, medication, and menopause are all examples of things that can lead to short-term memory loss, even if you’re not a candidate for age-related dementia.

Causes of Memory Loss in Midlife

Memory loss in midlife- it happens.

The good news

“I’m too young for this!” you think as you wrack your brain trying to remember the password for your ATM card… or your son’s birthdate…or your own age (without doing the math). It seems like you’re always getting sidetracked, confused, or lost in a fog. You’re constantly forgetting words that are just on the tip of your tongue.

These are all typical symptoms of brain fatigue. Once you understand what’s causing it, the road to recovery is that much closer.

Here’s the good news: Most likely, it’s not dementia. Even if you’re getting along in years, brain loss from Alzheimer’s disease or other degenerative illnesses are not a given, and don’t happen to all senior citizens.

Often, other factors such as vitamin deficiency, exhaustion, health problems or even daily medications can cause an endless cycle of brain fog, tiredness, forgetfulness, dizziness, and irritability that can make it difficult to function.

Causes of memory loss

The sooner you address these problems, the sooner you can start feeling more focused, energized, and relaxed.

Listed are some common causes of memory loss that can occur in middle age:

1) Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is necessary for healthy brain functioning. It’s one of the most beneficial nutrients for supporting your nervous system, red blood cell production, and proper metabolism.

Some of the earliest signs of vitamin B12 deficiency are all symptoms that occur in the brain:

  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Distractedness
  • Paranoia

If constant memory loss is interfering with your life, then one of the best things you can do for yourself is to dramatically increase your uptake of high-quality vitamin B12 supplements. Most people find that even one week’s worth of B12 supplementation results in an immediate improvement in such symptoms that occur with B12 deficiency- especially chronic fatigue and memory loss. With time, cognitive impairments linked with low vitamin B12 will gradually disappear.

2) Stress

When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands produce cortisol, the stress hormone. If you suffer from daily stress, then you’re making it round the clock. Too much cortisol in your blood supply is directly linked to memory problems, dizziness, and other signs of mental fatigue.

Stress is a common cause of memory loss for people who suffer from chronic depression. Again, this can be linked to excess cortisol.

Stress management, relaxation, exercise, and a healthy diet are all cited as effective ways to reduce stress and improve your memory.

3) Alcohol

Heavy drinkers may experience memory impairments and forgetfulness caused by Korsakoff’s syndrome. While under the influence, your brain simply isn’t “paying attention” to things that are happening around you. The more time spent drinking, the less memory you will have retained by midlife.

4) Prescription medications

Certain drugs and medical treatments can cause memory loss, brain fog, and confusion. If you’re currently taking a prescription drug that makes you feel forgetful or unfocused, then tell your doctor.

5) Menopause

Also known as “menofog,” memory loss during midlife is a common indicator of menopause. Hormone fluctuations, stress, mood changes and sleep problems can all make it difficult to concentrate, relax, or stick with your everyday routine. As a result, many women approaching their fifties wrongly think they’re going crazy or experiencing the first signs of dementia, when they’re really undergoing the beginnings of menopause.
To find out if menopause may be causing memory problems, speak to a doctor who specializes in women’s health.

What other causes of memory loss can you add to this discussion?

Image by stockimages

The Most Overlooked Risk of Stomach Bloating

Gassy, painful stomach bloating from indigestion may mean that you need more of an essential vitamin in your blood supply. If your gut feels like a war zone, then experts recommend getting tested for vitamin B12 deficiency, a form of anemia linked to gastritis.

The Most Overlooked Risk of Stomach Bloating

Stomach bloating? Check your B12.

B12 deficiency in the gut

To digest vitamin B12 from food, you need to have a healthy ecosystem in your gastrointestinal tract. Good bacteria winning the battle over the bad, proper absorption of nutrients, and all that.

But for many, damage to the parietal cells of the stomach, acid reflux, and medication overuse lead to a vicious cycle of vitamin B12 anemia that feeds into constant symptoms of fatigue, stomach bloating, sore muscles, dizziness, and memory problems.

Symptoms of pernicious anemia include stomach bloating, and also diarrhea, heartburn, brain fog, painful numbness in the hands and legs, cognitive impairments, and more.

Stomach bloating and other symptoms

The following symptoms, if they occur often, may indicate a breakdown in your digestive system that requires immediate treatment in order to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency anemia:

  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pains
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Stomach bloating
  • Hardening of the stomach
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • “Lump” in your throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Frequent burping
  • Flatulence

Vitamin B12 malabsorption

Foods that contain vitamin B12 are meats, chicken, fish, milk, and eggs. Generally, as long as you eat a steady non-vegan diet, you’re guaranteed a plentiful supply of vitamin B12 for good health…

…Unless you suffer from vitamin B12 malabsorption. The inability to break down vitamin B12 happens when you don’t have enough intrinsic factor, a digestive enzyme produced in your stomach that helps to grab vitamin B12 from food and “escort” it through your intestines and into your blood supply.

Gastritis (stomach inflammation) is one of the most common causes of vitamin B12 malabsorption.

Yes- stomach damage can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.

What Causes Vitamin B12 Malabsorption?

Gastrointestinal disorders

If you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, then your risk of becoming ill from pernicious anemia– severe vitamin B12 deficiency- is greater than most.

Damage to the walls of the stomach and intestinal tract, particularly the bottommost part (ileum), makes it impossible to get crucial vitamin B12 into your blood stream without direct insertion of nondietary liquid vitamin B12 supplements.

Other illnesses that cause enough gastrointestinal distress to interfere with vitamin B12 absorption include fibromyalgia, migraines, celiac, lupus, and chronic stomach ulcers.                       

Gastro surgery

If you’re an IBD patient who has elected for corrective surgery to treat chronic stomach bloating, indigestion, ulcers, and stomach pain, then you must supplement with high doses of vitamin B12 from a reliable source, in order to prevent becoming anemic.

Weight loss surgery recipients who undergo gastric bypass are also included in that risk category for pernicious anemia.

Autoimmune disorders

You may not able to get enough vitamin B12 simply because your body identifies intrinsic factor as a danger, and attacks it. If you suffer from immune system dysfunctions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or celiac disease, then it’s important to get your vitamin B12 levels checked regularly.

Better yet, begin a routine of supplemental vitamin B12 as a preventive measure against pernicious anemia. There’s no danger of taking too much vitamin B12, since it is safe in all amounts.

Please tell us…

Have you been experiencing stomach bloating and other signs of digestive disorders, but didn’t realize they were connected to vitamin B12 deficiency?

If you suffer from gastrointestinal issues such as Crohn’s disease, gastroesophageal disorder (GERD),  or ulcerative colitis, do you feel that you ‘re getting enough vitamin B12 from your doctor to combat deficiency?

Image by Ohmega1982