Tag Archives: Vitamin B12 anemia

How to watch for Vitamin Deficiency: This is what happens

What are the signs of vitamin deficiency? The symptoms of low vitamin and mineral levels can wreak havoc on your entire body. Fatigue, brain fog, muscle pain and insomnia are just a few vitamin deficiency symptoms that go unnoticed, and undiagnosed. Listed are some of the most common clues to watch for.

vitamin deficiency symptoms list

Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms: the Complete List

If you suspect you have vitamin deficiency, then speak to a doctor immediately. Signs of vitamin deficiency anemia may require emergency vitamin supplementation.

Listed are 13 essential vitamins and minerals that you need for daily health, plus symptoms that may signal a deficiency.

1) Vitamin A (Retinol)

Food sources: Yams, beef liver, spinach, carrots, and pumpkin.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Color-blindness, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, Bitot’s spots, farsightedness, corneal ulcers, ichthyosis (scaly skin), macular degeneration, photophobia, night blindness, keratosis, dry hair, ridged nails, peeling nails, acne, skin infections, jaundice, shingles, and wrinkles.

2) Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Food sources: Mushrooms, sunflower seeds, tuna, and broccoli.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, nerve damage, heart palpitations, mental confusion, depression, dementia, forgetfulness, nervous irritability, Beriberi disease, crossed eyes, dim vision, glaucoma, Raynaud’s disease, sensitivity to insect bites, furrowed tongue, Addison’s disease, fungal infections, itching, white patches on tongue.

3) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Food sources: Liver, mushrooms, spinach, and dark green vegetables.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Loss of appetite, nerve damage, depression, nervous irritability, increased homocysteine levels (heart attack and stroke risk), blurred vision, cataracts, conjunctivitis, dim vision, glaucoma, retinitis, corneal ulcers, macular degeneration, night blindness, photophobia, eyelid tics, acne, Addison’s disease, eczema, fungal infections, seborrhea, itching, white-heads, rosacea, eczema around nose and ears, dandruff, oily hair, sore tongue, cracked lips at corners of the mouth, purplish or magenta tongue, white patches on tongue.

4) Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Food sources: Brown rice, tuna, mushrooms, liver, beans, and lean meat.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Loss of appetite, fatigue, mental confusion, depression, dementia, nervous irritability, diarrhea, acne, Addison’s disease, fungal infections, itching, reddish-brown skin on neck, white patches on tongue.

5) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal phosphate)

Food sources: Bananas, bell peppers, potato skins, garbanzo beans, prune juice, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Chronic fatigue, depression, nervous irritability, increased homocysteine levels (heart attack and stroke risk), numbness in the hands and feet, blurred vision, conjunctivitis, dark spots in front of the eyes, retinitis, corneal ulcers, macular degeneration, night blindness, eyelid tics, acne, Addison’s disease, eczema, edema, fungal infections, dermatitis around eyes and nose, skin infections, itching, jaundice, pale skin, vitiligo, dandruff, hair loss, white spots on nails, sore tongue, cracked lips at corners of the mouth, bad breath, canker sores, white patches on tongue.

6) Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

Food sources: Organ meat, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, beets, and cauliflower.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Mental confusion, depression, dementia, forgetfulness, nervous irritability, insomnia, aggression, cervical dysplasia, megaloblastic anemia, increased homocysteine levels (heart attack and stroke risk), nerve damage, failure to thrive, low birth weight, neural tube defects, breathlessness, heart palpitations, pale skin, reddish-brown skin on neck, graying hair, hangnails, cracked lips at corners of the mouth, canker sores, beefy, red tongue, gingivitis.

7) Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Food sources: Organ meats, cod, halibut, salmon, shellfish, lean meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, nerve damage, painful tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, loss of balance, movement problems, heart palpitations, breathlessness, mental confusion, hallucinations, depression, memory loss, dementia, forgetfulness, nervous irritability, increased homocysteine levels (heart attack and stroke risk), diarrhea, dim vision, retinitis, eyelid tics, miscarriages, fertility problems, Addison’s disease, brown pigmentation around small joints, fungal infections, itching, jaundice, pale skin, shingles, vitiligo, hair loss, sore tongue, beefy, red tongue, canker sores, white patches on tongue, altered sense of taste.

Get the Vitamin B12 Patch- Now available with Methyl-B12 !

Get the Vitamin B12 Patch– Now available with Methyl-B12 !

8) Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Food sources: Guava, papayas, strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, cataracts, conjunctivitis, crossed eyes, dark spots in front of the eyes, dim vision, glaucoma, retinitis, corneal ulcers, near-nearsightedness, acne, Addison’s disease, eczema, edema, skin infections, itching, jaundice, prickly-heat rash, shingles, wrinkles, hangnails, peeling nails, gingivitis.

9) Vitamin D

Food sources: Salmon, sardines, shrimp, fish oil, yams, and dairy products fortified with vitamin D.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Nervous irritability, near-sightedness, increased risk for diabetes, rickets, skeletal deformities, muscular weakness, soft bones, muscular pain (especially lower back pain), frequent bone fractures, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, hypocalcemia, muscle twitches, numbness in the hands and feet, irregular heartbeat.

Maxasorb Vitamin D3 Cream. Buy it now!

10) Vitamin E

Food sources: Vegetable oils, wheat germ oil, dark green leafy vegetables, avocadoes, seeds, nuts, and whole grains.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Loss of appetite, nausea, anemia, immune system disorders, angina, muscular pain, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, movement problems, miscarriages, fertility problems, bulging eyes, cataracts, crossed eyes, near-sightedness, acne, jaundice, shingles, wrinkles.

11) Calcium

Food sources: Yogurt, cheese, sardines, canned salmon, milk, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms:Osteoporosis, hypocalcemia, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, muscular pain, irregular heartbeat, fatigue, loss of appetite, frequent bone fractures, peeling nails, ridged nails, gingivitis.

12) Magnesium

Food sources: Wheat bran, almonds, cashews, dark green leafy vegetables, tofu, beans, and seeds.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, muscular pain, mood swings, irregular heartbeat, hypocalcemia, farsightedness, glaucoma, retinitis, macular degeneration, eyelid tics, Addison’s disease, edema, skin infections, jaundice, dandruff, bad breath.

13) Zinc

Food sources: Oysters, crab, lobsters, beef, poultry, and fortified cereals.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms: Diarrhea, immune system disorders, failure to thrive, poor concentration, dark spots in front of the eyes, retinitis, corneal ulcers, macular degeneration, night blindness, eyelid tics, acne, eczema, edema, dermatitis around eyes and nose, skin infections, jaundice, vitiligo, dandruff, dry and brittle hair, hair loss, white spots on nails, bad breath, canker sores.

Image by Mike Mozart, Flickr, CC license. Vita Sciences does not own this property.

99 Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms- the Definitive List

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms cannot be ignored! If you have any of the most common symptoms- fatigue, depression, memory loss, painful “pins and needles” in the hands and feet- then you’re in for a shock. There’s a lot more to vitamin B12 deficiency than you may realize.

 99 Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms- the Definitive List

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin B12 is essential for so many primary biological functions that are necessary for survival- your nervous system, hormonal balance, cognitive functioning, metabolism, cell formation, to name just a few. It’s no wonder that when vitamin B12 levels are even marginally low, the results can range from annoying and disturbing to debilitating and catastrophic.

Pernicious anemia

In years past, pernicious anemia from severe vitamin B12 deficiency used to be fatal. Today, thanks to vitamin B12 supplementation, we are able to maintain normal levels of vitamin B12, even in spite of vitamin B12 malabsorption from autoimmune disorders and gastrointestinal illnesses.

But until you learn to recognize the earliest symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, you’re at risk for pernicious anemia and all the damage that it can cause throughout your system.

Symptoms of low B12

Here are 99 ailments that often occur in people with moderate to severe vitamin B12 deficiency, including comorbid conditions and direct symptoms.

  1. Symptoms of anemia- peripheral (megaloblastic) anemia from vitamin B12 deficiency
  2. Painful tingling and numbness in extremities (hands, fingers, toes)- paresthesias
  3. Peripheral nerve damage from demyelination
  4. Poor motor control in arms and legs
  5. Constantly dropping things
  6. Dizziness, poor equilibrium
  7. Gait disturbances, difficulty walking straight
  8. Vertigo, sensation of spinning when at rest
  9. Confusion
  10. Slow thinking, brain fog
  11. Difficulty remembering words or names
  12. Agitation
  13. Depression
  14. Chronic overwhelming fatigue
  15. Poor concentration, attention problems
  16. Difficulty completing tasks
  17. Mood changes
  18. Memory loss
  19. Unusual sudden anger
  20. Psychosis
  21. Age-related dementia
  22. Paranoia
  23. Hallucinations
  24. Anxiety attacks, panic
  25. Sore muscles, painful burning
  26. Tremors, trembling
  27. Frequent muscle fatigue
  28. Difficulty building muscle tissue, even with exercise
  29. Exercise requires several days of recuperation
  30. Neck pain
  31. Headaches
  32. Tight muscle pain in the arms and legs
  33. Joint pain
  34. Morning muscular stiffness
  35. Muscle spasms, twitches
  36. Tender spots as evident in fibromyalgia
  37. Bursitis- pain in elbows, shoulders, and hips
  38. Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold foods- pain in mouth, teeth
  39. Sore tongue, burning sensation
  40. Red tongue that is abnormally smooth, without texture
  41. Canker sores, mouth pain
  42. Sores at corners of mouth
  43. Dry mouth
  44. Altered sense of taste
  45. Unusual thirst
  46. Metallic taste in mouth
  47. Olfactory hallucinations
  48. Pain in bladder without uterine infection
  49. Stomach pain
  50. Nausea
  51. Constant bloating
  52. Difficulty swallowing food
  53. “Frog in throat” sensation
  54. Acid reflux, GERD
  55. Heartburn
  56. Flatulence
  57. Loss of appetite
  58. Constipation
  59. Diarrhea
  60. Esophageal ulcers
  61. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease
  62. Dairy sensitivity
  63. Unusual weight loss or weight gain
  64. Poor libido
  65. Hormonal problems
  66. Low sperm count
  67. Erectile dysfunction
  68. Infertility
  69. Post-partum depression
  70. Frequent miscarriage, early abortion
  71. Failure to thrive in infancy
  72. Language delays
  73. PMS, difficult menstrual periods
  74. Chronic yeast infections
  75. Early onset menopause
  76. Pale complexion
  77. Heart palpitations
  78. Shortness of breath
  79. Weak pulse
  80. Thyroid disorders– Hashimoto’s
  81. High levels of homocysteine
  82. Sensory issues- hypersensitivity to touch, scents, textures, tastes, bright lights  and noises
  83. Sleep problems, insomnia
  84. Sleep that does not restore energy
  85. Night terrors
  86. Vision problems- blurring, photosensitivity, poor night vision
  87. Optic neuritis
  88. Tinnitus – ringing in ears
  89. Hyperacusis- extreme sensitivity to sounds
  90. Low body temperature, always feeling chilled
  91. Neural tube defect in children
  92. “Electric shocks,” pain that shoots down arms and legs when you bend your neck
  93. Poor reflexes from impaired nerve cells
  94. Frequent bruising
  95. Constantly itchy skin
  96. Eczema
  97. Early graying of hair
  98. Hair loss
  99. Thin brittle nails with ridges

 Feeling low?

If your B12 levels need replenishing, then try one of our best-selling vitamin B-12 supplements. Choose from the Vitamin B12 Patch or Maxasorb Vitamin B12 Cream.

Vitamin B12 Patches

Get the Vitamin B12 Patch- Choose with Methyl or non-Methyl! Buy Now


Maxasorb Vitamin B12 Cream

Try fast-absorb Maxasorb Vitamin B12 Cream. Hypoallergenic. Buy Now.

100 Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia

Don’t ignore possible symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency- often, the only way to effectively catch vitamin B12 anemia before it becomes debilitating is by recognizing some of the earliest signs, such as constant daily fatigue, memory problems, depression, and painful numbness and tingling in the extremities.

100 Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia

Vitamin B12 blood tests may be helpful for diagnosing severe pernicious anemia (which used to be a fatal disease), but their track record for preventing symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in the moderate range is not reassuring. That’s because the range for detecting depleted vitamin B12 is set too low, producing inaccurate test readings when more vitamin B12 is needed to provide relief and prevent nerve damage.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, then it’s advisable to start a regimen of vitamin B12 supplements, and track results.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

This is a complete list of all possible symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. You may have only a few or more of these symptoms. Vitamin B12 deficiency affects people differently, according to the level of depletion.

  1. High levels of homocysteine, which are linked with heart attack, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. Sore muscles, painful burning sensations.
  3. “Electric shock” sensations that shoot down your arms and legs whenever you bend over.
  4. Difficulty building muscle mass, even though you’ve been exercising regularly.
  5. Neural tube defect in newborn babies.
  6. Aching prickling and numbness in hands and feet caused by paresthesias.
  7. Peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) caused by the degradation of myelin, a protective coating that shields your nerve cells.
  8. Poor, slow nerve reflexes.
  9. Quivering, trembling muscles.
  10. Muscle fatigue following light physical exertion.
  11. The need to take a few days to recuperate after even moderate exercise.
  12. Neck pain.
  13. Persistent headaches.
  14. Tight muscle pain in the arms and legs.
  15. Joint pain.
  16. Muscle stiffness each morning.
  17. Tender spots on your body which are often associated with fibromyalgia.
  18. Pain in elbows, shoulders, and hips from bursitis.
  19. Poor control or arm and leg movements.
  20. Frequent “clumsiness,” things always falling from your hands.
  21. Dizziness, unsteadiness, poor stability on feet.
  22. Difficulty walking in a straight line.
  23. Occasional vertigo, a sensation that the room is spinning.
  24. Confusion, getting perplexed easily.
  25. Muddled thinking, brain fog.
  26. Difficulty remembering words that are on the tip of your tongue.
  27. Forgetting names of familiar people.
  28. Irritability.
  29. Depressionthat lasts for months without any apparent cause.
  30. Chronic overwhelming daily fatigue, despite sleeping well.
  31. Poor concentration, ADD-like symptoms.
  32. Getting distracted easily.
  33. Difficulty finishing tasks or chores, finding it hard to stay organized.
  34. Mood swings.
  35. Memory impairments.
  36. Aggressive behavior that is new, unusual.
  37. Neurosis, fixations.
  38. Early-onset dementialinked with old age.
  39. Paranoia, peculiar suspicions.
  40. Hallucinations, deliriums.
  41. Recurrent panic attacks.
  42. Baseless anxiety, sense of doom.
  43. Strong tooth pain when drinking or eating very hot or cold foods.
  44. Sore tongue, “burning mouth” sensation.
  45. Red tongue that is abnormally slick, without bumps.
  46. Continuous canker sores, mouth ulcers.
  47. Cracked sores at both corners of your mouth.
  48. Dry mouth, unpleasant taste in mouth.
  49. Bad breath, halitosis.
  50. Altered palate, food tastes different.
  51. Strange thirst, constantly feeling dehydrated.
  52. Unusual metallic taste in mouth.
  53. Olfactory hallucinations, noticing odd scents that aren’t apparent to anybody else.
  54. Pain in bladder in the absence of uterine infection.
  55. Stomachaches that happen often.
  56. Nausea, recurring need to vomit.
  57. Constant stomach bloating.
  58. Difficulty swallowing.
  59. “Frog in throat” sensation
  60. Acid reflux that occurs regardless of diet.
  61. Constant heartburn, despite eating healthy.
  62. Flatulence.
  63. Loss of appetite.
  64. Constipation, difficulty having regular bowel movements.
  65. Everyday diarrhea.
  66. Esophageal ulcers.
  67. Dairy sensitivity.
  68. Unusual weight loss or weight gain.
  69. Reduced libido.
  70. Hormonal imbalances.
  71. Low sperm count.
  72. Erectile dysfunction.
  73. Infertility.
  74. Post-partum depression.
  75. Frequent miscarriages, spontaneous abortions.
  76. Poor development in newborn babies.
  77. Language impairments in children.
  78. PMS- pain and emotional problems prior to menstruating.
  79. Yeast infections that occur often.
  80. Early onset menopause.
  81. Face is abnormally pale in complexion.
  82. Heart palpitations throughout the day.
  83. Losing your breath easily.
  84. Weak pulse.
  85. Thyroid disorders, including hypothyroid or hyperthyroid.
  86. Sensory impairments, such as hypersensitivity to touch, fragrances, textures, flavors, lighting and noise.
  87. Sleep problems, such as insomnia or waking up easily.
  88. Sleep that doesn’t refresh your mind, you still feel exhausted in the morning.
  89. Night terrors.
  90. Vision impairments, such as blurring, double vision, sensitivity to light.
  91. Optic neuritis- nerve damage in the eyes.
  92. Constant ringing in the ears from tinnitus.
  93. Hyperacusis- extreme hypersensitivity to certain sounds, such as Styrofoam or scratching.
  94. Constantly feeling cold due to low body temperature.
  95. Bruising easily.
  96. Constantly itchy skin.
  97. Eczema, dry skin rashes.
  98. Premature grey hair.
  99. Hair loss not related to age.
  100. 100. Thin, ridged nails that break easily.

How’s your B12?

Sometimes, daily fatigue, dizziness, and muscle pain is a result of low vitamin levels, particularly in energy-boosting vitamin B12. A blood test will tell you if you need to increase your vitamin B12 intake.

Vitamin B12 can be found in most protein foods, such as beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy products. If you have vitamin B12 deficiency, then you may require extra B12 outside of the food pyramid.

An easy way to maintain healthy vitamin B12 levels is to use vitamin B12 supplements that replenish cobalamin in the blood supply quickly and efficiently.

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Order the B12 Patch- now with methyl-cobalamin! Buy Now.

Image by Stuart Miles

The Most Overlooked Risk of Stomach Bloating

Gassy, painful stomach bloating from indigestion may mean that you need more of an essential vitamin in your blood supply. If your gut feels like a war zone, then experts recommend getting tested for vitamin B12 deficiency, a form of anemia linked to gastritis.

The Most Overlooked Risk of Stomach Bloating

Stomach bloating? Check your B12.

B12 deficiency in the gut

To digest vitamin B12 from food, you need to have a healthy ecosystem in your gastrointestinal tract. Good bacteria winning the battle over the bad, proper absorption of nutrients, and all that.

But for many, damage to the parietal cells of the stomach, acid reflux, and medication overuse lead to a vicious cycle of vitamin B12 anemia that feeds into constant symptoms of fatigue, stomach bloating, sore muscles, dizziness, and memory problems.

Symptoms of pernicious anemia include stomach bloating, and also diarrhea, heartburn, brain fog, painful numbness in the hands and legs, cognitive impairments, and more.

Stomach bloating and other symptoms

The following symptoms, if they occur often, may indicate a breakdown in your digestive system that requires immediate treatment in order to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency anemia:

  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pains
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Stomach bloating
  • Hardening of the stomach
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • “Lump” in your throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Frequent burping
  • Flatulence

Vitamin B12 malabsorption

Foods that contain vitamin B12 are meats, chicken, fish, milk, and eggs. Generally, as long as you eat a steady non-vegan diet, you’re guaranteed a plentiful supply of vitamin B12 for good health…

…Unless you suffer from vitamin B12 malabsorption. The inability to break down vitamin B12 happens when you don’t have enough intrinsic factor, a digestive enzyme produced in your stomach that helps to grab vitamin B12 from food and “escort” it through your intestines and into your blood supply.

Gastritis (stomach inflammation) is one of the most common causes of vitamin B12 malabsorption.

Yes- stomach damage can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.

What Causes Vitamin B12 Malabsorption?

Gastrointestinal disorders

If you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, then your risk of becoming ill from pernicious anemia– severe vitamin B12 deficiency- is greater than most.

Damage to the walls of the stomach and intestinal tract, particularly the bottommost part (ileum), makes it impossible to get crucial vitamin B12 into your blood stream without direct insertion of nondietary liquid vitamin B12 supplements.

Other illnesses that cause enough gastrointestinal distress to interfere with vitamin B12 absorption include fibromyalgia, migraines, celiac, lupus, and chronic stomach ulcers.                       

Gastro surgery

If you’re an IBD patient who has elected for corrective surgery to treat chronic stomach bloating, indigestion, ulcers, and stomach pain, then you must supplement with high doses of vitamin B12 from a reliable source, in order to prevent becoming anemic.

Weight loss surgery recipients who undergo gastric bypass are also included in that risk category for pernicious anemia.

Autoimmune disorders

You may not able to get enough vitamin B12 simply because your body identifies intrinsic factor as a danger, and attacks it. If you suffer from immune system dysfunctions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or celiac disease, then it’s important to get your vitamin B12 levels checked regularly.

Better yet, begin a routine of supplemental vitamin B12 as a preventive measure against pernicious anemia. There’s no danger of taking too much vitamin B12, since it is safe in all amounts.

Please tell us…

Have you been experiencing stomach bloating and other signs of digestive disorders, but didn’t realize they were connected to vitamin B12 deficiency?

If you suffer from gastrointestinal issues such as Crohn’s disease, gastroesophageal disorder (GERD),  or ulcerative colitis, do you feel that you ‘re getting enough vitamin B12 from your doctor to combat deficiency?

Image by Ohmega1982